Monday, May 4, 2015

"Altared" Book of the Self

What is your opinion of combining technology and the human body as she did in the video?
I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with her incorporating technology with the human body like she did, but I don't completely agree with it either.  Sure, cosmetic things are completely fine (like the perfume pill) but there comes a point where it's too far and we are messing with things that shouldn't be messed with.  I don't know where that boundary is yet because we haven't actually started messing around with this kind of experimentation on a larger scale, but there is a boundary.

What is your opinion of combining a media arts and science project with your own body?

I would not combine a media arts and science project with my own body.  That's something I would just not do.  I like my body just the way it is and I would not change it for a project in college.

How will you change this book?
I will change this book into something beautiful by folding some of the pages into paper cranes.

How will this book change you?

I think it's opened my eyes up to new possibilities.  There are beautiful things to be found in ugly and boring situations.  It all just matters in how you look at it and what perspective you hold.  That's what I've learned from this horrible, ugly, boring book.


So my book is The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.  I absolutely hate this book.  It's ugly, horribly written, and just plain boring.

I then opened the book to a random page and ripped some of the pages out.

And the cut those pages down to somewhat really uneven squares. Them not being even is what really made the swans look stupid.

Swan number 1. Not too shabby if i do say so myself. It's not the prettiest swan, but it will serve it's purpose well.

Here are 4 total swans.  I was going to make 10 of them, but a) it's a lot harder than I had thought, b) I'm extremely lazy, and c) i feel like I have proven my point that I made John Steinbeck's ugly book somewhat beautiful and for that I am really happy.

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